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Scratch Posts

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Snow Flake - 170cm Cat Tree Tower Condo - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Snow Flake - 170cm Cat Tree Tower Condo - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Snow Flake - 170cm Cat Tree Tower Condo

Cactus Cat Tree Tower Scratching Post Scratcher Adjustable Height 216 - 285cm - Pink - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Cactus Cat Tree Tower Scratching Post Scratcher Adjustable Height 216 - 285cm - Pink - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Cactus Cat Tree Tower Scratching Post Scratcher Adjustable Height 216-285cm - Pink

Flower Cat Post - 60cm - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Flower Cat Post - 60cm - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Flower Cat Post - 60cm

110cm Rocket Cat Tree Tower Scratching Post - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
110cm Rocket Cat Tree Tower Scratching Post - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

110cm Rocket Cat Tree Tower Scratching Post

20% Off
Pet Playpen Cat House 6 in 1 Tent Tunnel - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Pet Playpen Cat House 6 in 1 Tent Tunnel - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Pet Playpen Cat House 6 in 1 Tent Tunnel

$249.00 $199.00
Mushie - The Interactive Cat Scratching Post with Ball Track (Large) - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Mushie - The Interactive Cat Scratching Post with Ball Track (Large) - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Mushie - The Interactive Cat Scratching Post with Ball Track (Large)

Glow House Cat Scratcher Max - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Glow House Cat Scratcher Max - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Glow House Cat Scratcher Max

Interactive Feathered Rechargeable Automatic Cat Toy Box - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Interactive Feathered Rechargeable Automatic Cat Toy Box - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Interactive Feathered Rechargeable Automatic Cat Toy Box

Chase Meowtain Interactive Cat Puzzle Toy - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Chase Meowtain Interactive Cat Puzzle Toy - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Chase Meowtain Interactive Cat Puzzle Toy

Christmas Cat Tree - Festive Fun and Cozy Hideaway for Furry Friends - 159cm Height - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Christmas Cat Tree - Festive Fun and Cozy Hideaway for Furry Friends - 159cm Height - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Christmas Cat Tree - Festive Fun and Cozy Hideaway for Furry Friends - 159cm Height

Fairy Cat Tower Deluxe 4 - Tier Designer Flower Cat Tree - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Fairy Cat Tower Deluxe 4 - Tier Designer Flower Cat Tree - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Fairy Cat Tower Deluxe 4-Tier Designer Flower Cat Tree

The 2 Level Flower Pet House - Brown - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
The 2 Level Flower Pet House - Brown - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

The 2 Level Flower Pet House - Brown

The 2 Level Flower Pet House - Pink - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
The 2 Level Flower Pet House - Pink - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

The 2 Level Flower Pet House - Pink

Strawberry - Shaped Cat Scratcher Bed - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
Strawberry - Shaped Cat Scratcher Bed - House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)
House Of Pets Delight (HOPD)

Strawberry-Shaped Cat Scratcher Bed

1 of 10

Because you want your cat to stop scratching your furniture, you need to buy them one of our premium cat scratching posts and treehouses! 

Cats need to scratch. It is a well-known fact of cat parenthood that cats can be highly destructive when it comes to using your expensive furniture for their scratching outlet. This is not a vindictive action. Cats have a natural urge to scratch. They do this to pull away the old claw sheaths on their front paws that cover the newly grown sheaths underneath. If your cat doesn’t have a dedicated scratching post to dig into, they will definitely turn to your furniture and rugs to get the same effect. 

Cat stretching posts don’t necessarily need to have bells and whistles to make a cat happy, however, they do present an opportunity for cat parents to provide an enriched environment for their beloved kitty to thrive in. Cat scratching posts with hidey holes and platforms at different levels, can give your cat extra places to play on and rest in. Cats love being in high places, surveying their territory. It can give them an extra sense of security to up high where they can still see their family but be out of reach of other pets or children. A cat scratching post that provides these additional spaces for your cat will help them to stay calmer and happier, which means more purrs and cuddles for you when they are ready to come down and spend time on your lap! 

Your cat wants to do more than scratch! You need to get them one of our high quality, durable scratching posts, treehouses and platforms today. 

As well as scratching, your cat needs to stretch, jump, play and climb! They also require secluded nooks and quiet places where they can do what they do best- sleep. You beloved cat will adore you even more for providing them with a variety of places that they can do this. Scratching posts can also include a multi-platform tree house with different cube shaped cubby-holes for them to curl up inside and sleep undisturbed, and even a hammock! While all cats tend to enjoy doing this, climbing treehouses are especially perfect for cats who suffer from anxiety or who are nervous types. A scratching pole treehouse can be one of the best gifts you give to your cat regardless of their temperament. They can simultaneously provide plenty of stimulation if they also come with hanging toys, as well as places to rest, making them an essential piece of equipment for your cat. 

Providing your cat with an enriched living environment that meets their needs is truly easy when you invest in a quality scratching post. A playful cat is a happy cat, so making sure that they have ample space to explore with toys and equipment that will allow them to safely perform their instinctual behaviours is very important. Scratching posts that allow cats to jump and climb to several different heights to perch or rest, as well as stretch and pull on their claws so that they can de-sheath without doing damage, will not only keep your pet playful and happy but will make you happy too! House of Pets Delight stocks the best quality scratching posts and treehouses at reasonable prices, giving you another reason to smile.

All of our easy to assemble scratching posts and trees are thoughtfully designed and have been sturdily constructed, and come with a variety of features, including

  • Varying numbers of levels with spacious platforms, cubby-holes, caves, cradles and hammocks
  • Premium carpet or plush
  • Non-toxic sisal post coverings to encourage scratching
  • Attached or detached toys
  • Step ladders
  • Different colours 

Cat scratching posts and trees offer your cat the opportunity to be indoors with you without compromising or cramping their natural behaviours. As well as being a much-needed outlet for their de-clawing instinct, scratching posts can double as a fun gymnasium for them to play on while also providing additional places for them to retreat to when it comes time to perch or rest. Your cat will love their new scratching post from House of Pets Delight, and so will you! 

You won't want to wait another minute to experience the positive benefits that our cat scratching poles and treehouses will have for your cat- and for you. 

House of Pets Delight loves nothing more than making you and your pets happy and healthy. We want you to use our expertise to help you navigate some of the problems and quirks that can come with pet ownership, so that you and your beloved pet can both thrive together. That’s why you won’t want to wait another minute. Invest now in one of our quality scratching posts or multilevel cat treehouses today to provide your kitty with an enriched living environment that also offers them a much less destructive place to de-sheath their claws while they stretch, rest and play. 

Shop online via our website and explore our amazing scratching posts and cat treehouses today. If you need assistance with choosing or have any questions at all about our cat products such as bowls, cat beds…don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help. 


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